Find The Fun in Fitness with Personalised Training

Are you ready to feel Bendy, Strong and Glorious and love the skin you’re in?

I help individuals who want to reconnect with their body, build muscle, gain strength, and enhance their mobility without it feeling like a chore.

Let’s work together to create a fun, playful, and specific training plan tailored just for you.

Is this you?

Looking to build muscle and gain strength.

Wanting to improve your mobility and flexibility.

Seeking a structured and accountable training plan.

Wanting a fun and playful approach to fitness.

Ready to feel amazing in your body.

Meet Your Personal Trainer

Hi, I’m Kelley. With a NASM qualification and seven years, I specialise in helping people who don’t feel comfortable in their body, or maybe out of place in the gym, but really want to find a practice that works for them.

My approach is compassionate yet effective, focusing on functional movements that make fitness fun and specific to your needs, whilst providing a safe space to try new things.

Personally I love strength training, recently obsessing about calisthenics and finally doing 5 Pull-ups! I like lifting and throwing around heavy things, jumping over boxes, pretending I’m a leopard as I hurtle down the runway on Tempelhofer Feld, I dance, try to box (I’m terrible), do lots of rolling around on the floor at the gym with my headphones in (Amapiano, Grime, Junglist, DnB girl over here), and generally try and enjoy being in my body, which hasn’t alway been easy. 

I’ve struggled with body dysmorphia and disordered eating, and I’m 10- years sober and clean. Fitness and movement are a huge pillar of my mental health and ability to show up in the world. I still cry and growl through fitness classes, I’m not very good at lots of things that I try. But I do always try, and show up, move through the discomfort, and feel proud afterwards. This is what I want for you also! 


It’s not fun feeling disconnected from your body and like you can’t move and enjoy being in it. I have been there, and I can help you

Everything I do is made with love.


Kelley Griffiths sat on floor

Why Choose Personal Training with Kelley?

I will go the extra mile for you

Experience + Expertise

I am a NASM-qualified CPT and have been training clients and running fitness classes since 2017.

Flexible Locations

I can train you at your home, office, or online.

Structure + Compassion

I provide a structured and accountable environment that is both fun and challenging; all made with love.

Functional Movement Focus

I emphasise functional movement to help you live life fully, enjoy daily activities, and feel bendy, strong, and glorious.

Sustainable Results

This program is about long-term health improvements, where you really learn how your body works and what it needs, not quick fixes.

Finding the Fun

The fitness industry has destroyed so much of the fun and play in movement. I want to help you find a practice that feels good and that you look forward to.

Hear from my clients

My clients love working with me, just read what they have to say!

” Kelley is such an amazing fitness professional and an amazing human! I reached out to her in December hoping that I would become fitter and stronger by summer – and I got so much more than that. She truly listens to me and my body, taking into account my limits and encouraging me to see my own potential. We’ve been working together for 4 months now and I have not only become much more confident in my body and its capabilities, but also realized I can actually really, really enjoy working out! I am a person with a long history of eating disorders and a life-long asthma, and all the changes I managed to make happen thanks to Kelley and her guidance and support are an amazing achievement. Every week I am looking forward to our next meeting – and I have never ever thought I would say such words about a personal trainer:)”


” Kelley transformed my whole approach & attitude towards my health and well being. During the months I spent working with Kelley, I became the person I had always dreamed of. Through her holistic approach I not only learned about my body and how to work with it, rather than against it, I also learned to love my body more & to care for it by nourishing it, moving it, slowing it down when needs be and working to get the best out of it. There are so many things Kelley taught me that I have adopted for life. You won’t ever regret having a session with this wonderful human as she’s a ball of pure positivity & energy that brightens the darkest Berlin days!”


“Kelley helped me build the strength, mobility and confidence I needed to go after my lifelong dream of learning how to surf. By introducing me to her unique mix of ashtanga and interval training she has set me on a path that leaves me stronger day by day.

Kelley is the best ally you can possibly have: As a true teacher, she is not afraid to share her knowledge and experience and will make your progress her mission. Not only will you feel great, you will also learn something new about your body every time you trained with her. She also inspired me to be more open to new experiences and to allow myself to go after the things that truly make me happy.


“I came to Kelley wanting to get fit and lose weight. Kelley supported my goals with zero judgement but she also helped me change the way I think and feel about nutrition and exercise. With Kelley, I sweat, I stretch, I get strong, I get fit, but I also get help with the mental barriers that cause so many of us to have negative relationships with our bodies. I feel better than I have with any other personal trainer because every session is so personalised to me as a person (not just a body) and Kelley always give so much. Her enthusiasm is infectious and her heart is huge.

She’s incredibly knowledgeable about exercise and nutrition, she’s motivated me to do what feels good for my body. She makes me laugh, she’s open and kind, and her insight and wisdom make me feel comfortable to open up myself. Basically she’s an all around badass who makes everyone around her feel amazing – and everyone needs a person like that in their lives!”


“Exercise and healthy eating has always been a struggle for me. When I first met Kelley I was binge eating daily and suffering from body dysmorphia.

Kelley has been so understanding and patient with me from the start and through sharing her own experiences has made me feel less alone. It has been really helpful knowing that even she, who’s so positive and fit, struggles with these issues and shows how it’s something you have to work hard at every day.

She is always patient and without judgement, but she’ll give you some ‘tough love’ when you need it. She helped me gain the confidence to exercise by myself and has shown me how enjoyable it can be. I highly recommend anyone to work with Kelley. She has such a beautiful soul and is a delight to be around.”


“I appreciated that you always took the time to listen and respond in a way that suited my mood or abilities that particular day. (since our training) I try to do more incidental exercise and be aware of my body/movement, also hello I have quit alcohol!..

I try to be forgiving of myself when I have a bad day and embrace my body the way it is…while I was training with you though I felt strong and capable and like I was doing something good for myself physically and mentally…

As someone who suffers from depression I think the effect on my mental health was probably the most obvious influence and the strengthening of my body was like the added bonus…You’re a very positive and motivating person. You can really see your resilience and it feels like you actually care about your clients mentally as well as wanting them to grow and achieve physically.”


“I’m really happy with the changes that I’ve managed to achieve with her help. Her enthusiastic yet gentle manner and her own story and holistic approach to embrace movement as part of our lives and not just something that needs to be done are very inspiring and motivating to me. Since working with her I’ve integrated a lot more of this in my own daily life and I feel so much better for it. I would wholeheartedly recommend working with Kelley to absolutely anyone. She will find something to suit you!”


We can work at your home, office, or online. If we work in your home there should be sufficient space to move and ideally you would have a mat and some basic equipment (which I can recommend). 

I work from Mon – Fri 06:30 – 19:00

It will depend on where you live, if I have to travel to you or if we are online. 

Rates start from 80EUR/session.

The rates are dependent on the frequency of sessions per week and location so for a full quote you should apply and we can discuss your needs. There is a minimum initial contract of 3 Months.

No, this is not nutrition coaching or health coaching. This is simply personal training where I show up, we do a movement session and that’s it. There is no support or guidance around other elements of your health and lifestyle. If you’re interested in that you should apply for 1-1 Coaching.