1-1 Holistic Health Coaching

Reclaim your health and show up fully in your life.

Are you ready to reconnect with your beautiful body and reclaim your health?

I empower busy people to achieve mental and physical wellness through personalised compassionate coaching.

Do you Feel...

Uncomfortable in your body

Worried about your health

Unsure what movement practice is best for you

No idea what foods to eat

Tired all the time and lacking energy

Confused by the latest health trends

Overwhelmed with the options

What if you could...

Sleep deep and wake up refreshed

Know exactly what foods nourish you

Befriend and heal you gut

Love movement and feel comfortable with it

Enjoy being in your body

Find that mindbody connection

Develop a compassionate practice with yourself

The Mind Body Bliss Holistic Health Coaching Program

I offer 1-1 personalised coaching. It's part skill building and ‘sort-your-shit-out to-live-fully-and-flourish’ work grounded in mindfulness and compassion, targeted to the area in your life that most needs attention.


Foster connections that support your mental health and sense of belonging. This can look like: Strategies for building and maintaining healthy relationships, community involvement, social support, self-compassion exercises.


I’ll help you build a sustainable fitness and mobility routine that you enjoy and can maintain long-term whether that’s at home, in the gym or out in nature. This can look like: Custom fitness plans, mobility exercises, movement practices, physical activity guidance.


Habit-based coaching to support your lifestyle This can look like: Personalised nutrition plans, habit-based coaching, gut health optimisation, digestive health practices, IBS protocol.


I’ll help you implement effective strategies for restful sleep, deep rest and recovery to support mental and physical resilience, and soothe your nervous system. This can look like: Sleep hygiene techniques, relaxation practices, recovery routines, stress management strategies.

what makes this different

My Coaching Philosophy

Incremental Change

We don’t try to change everything at once; this tends to backfire. Instead, we focus on sustainable, long-term results through small, manageable changes.

Navigating Discomfort

We don’t grow and overcome barriers by sitting in comfort. Change is uncomfortable, but I assure you, we’ll never go faster or further than you can handle.

Step-by-Step Guidance

We break the work down into clear, manageable, bite-size chunks suited exactly to your personal context, needs, and abilities. I help you make a plan that isn't overwhelming.

Mindful Awareness

Using mindfulness techniques you begin to feel more present in your life and body so that you are deeply connected with your lived experience.

Building Infrastructure

We are restructuring your habits and lifestyle. So to ensure your success, we strategise and build in systems to help keep you on track and get where you want to go.


Through thoughtful dialogue and inquiry, we uncover what you truly want, your underlying drives and needs, and identify where the most impactful work needs to be done. This process empowers you to know yourself better and make informed, intentional choices in your journey toward well-being.

Together, we identify the biggest blockers on your journey and systematically explore solutions and new ways of being. This is not just about health; it’s about aligning your perception and expectations with your true needs.

What To Expect From Coaching

It’s a practice of self-exploration

Together, we’ll create a practice where you are able to explore your conditioning, beliefs and reactions, that prevent you from showing up — from self-talk, to self destructive patterns, to impostor syndrome and anxiety. Using mindful awareness and self-compassion techniques, we’ll create a heart-centred approach that teaches you how to behave intentionally and be fully present with yourself, with acceptance, no matter what you’re feeling.
Everything starts with you.
What will this look like? You’ll start to intuitively know what you need and you’ll have the toolbox to make it happen. You’ll find you have more time and patience for people. You’ll create the space and energy to be creative and visionary. And you’ll feel energised and restored.

What To Expect From Coaching

You will own and respect your health

This is coaching that doesn’t see you as wrong, bad, or in need of fixing – the external forces that make us believe this are what needs fixing. (Hello patriarchy and capitalism). In doing this work, you are helping yourself and becoming part of a better way forward. We start from where you are and we focus on sleep, your gut, food, and movement in manageable ways that make you feel good. You won’t see a shred of diet culture in this work. Science has finally proven that willpower is not the way. Instead you’ll learn how to intuitively care for your physical and mental health with kindness and compassion. Because that’s what you deserve.
We start from where you are
What will this look like? You’ll find yourself naturally recognising what your body needs. This connection with yourself will flow into everything you do. You’ll feel energised and radiant — free from restriction and negativity.

Hear from my clients

My clients love working with me, just read what they have to say!

“Starting the Mind Body Bliss coaching transformed how I structured my days. Kelley’s support helped me rebuild my life and find balance again.”


Ex-Founder / Berlin

“I’ve achieved so many goals through Kelley’s coaching program and it’s even hard for me to find out what was the biggest win of all.”


Artist, Denmark

“Within a couple of weeks, the Mind Body Bliss coaching program had overhauled bad habits and attitudes that had diminished my health and self for many years.”


Marketing, Berlin

Meet Your Coach

Hi I’m Kelley.

As a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach, as well as a student of neuroscience, psychology, and contemplative psychotherapy. I blend scientific expertise with compassionate coaching. I’m a ten-years-sober coach and former COO, Circus Tour Manager, Theatre Producer, Globe Maker, and Finance Manager (and a few other things), so I understand the stress of a fast-paced lifestyle and work pressures. My goal is to help you navigate stress, build resilience, so you can find those pockets of joy, be present for your community and have energy to live!

Driven by a passion for mental well-being, I combine compassion, problem-solving, an experimental mind and evidence-based strategies to support individuals on their journey to find the fun in fitness, enjoy food, rest deeply and feel energised, loving the skin they’re in.

I know people are confused and get caught up in fad diets and social media trends and don’t know what to believe. So many clients come to me completely fed up, saying they’ve tried everything to reconnect with their body and reclaim their health, but nothing’s worked and they’re not sure what they should do – this is my speciality! As a student of psychology and neuroscience, I have a critical mind and like to dig deep and not just believe what ‘the internet tells me’. I shift through the crap, so you don’t have to 😉 and together we find what works for you.

Read more about me here if you’re interested.

Made With Love

Why Choose Mind Body Bliss?

Qualified and Experienced

I’m a certified Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach, with advanced studies in psychology and neuroscience and seven years of experience working with people.

Holistic Wellness

I honour the interconnectedness of many elements and integrate movement, nutrition, recovery, and connection and compassion to support your overall health.

Personalised Approach

I really get to know you, your lifestyle and what you want to create a tailored program for your unique needs and lifestyle. No cookie cutter programs my love.

Long-Term Results

We focus on incremental changes for a sustainable transformation that lasts. This is about robust lifestyle changes, and feeling empowered with knowledge and skills, not quick fixes.

Client Testimonials

My clients love the program, here are a few of their testimonials

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the environment like for this coaching?

  • Unconditional positive regard
  • Your own personal cheerleader
  • Regular accountability
  • Open attention
  • Confidentiality and a safe space
  • A compassion guide and partner

How does this differ to therapy?

I’m not a therapist and this is not therapy, nor a replacement for therapy. Many of my clients are in therapy with a trained professional and this works as a powerful accompaniment, but it in no way replaces specialised therapeutic practice.

If you are currently suffering from depression, PTSD, have been diagnosed with bipolar or borderline personality, or you are struggling with addiction, please consider seeking professional help and reaching out to your local services first. We can still work together, but I should not be you first port of call.

What are the logistical elements of this coaching?

  • Initial deep dive onboarding call (90mins).
  • Weekly video coaching call (30-mins)
  • Access to me via message (Mon-Fri)
  • Personalised movement, food, meditation plans as needed.
  • Personal Training sessions are not included.

How long is the coaching program?

There is a minimum initial commitment of 12 sessions over 3 months (weekly sessions). This is enough time to really see some sustainable change in one particular area. Many clients then choose to continue the coaching on a 3 month rolling basis. I have to be real, you’re not going to overhaul your entire life in three months. But we can set some groundwork and work on a long-term strategy. And if you have a very specific objective in mind, we can get super focused and work intently on that one thing that will help you.

How much does it cost and are there payment plans?

I can give you a quote in a consultation call once I understand your needs and what sort of program you need. Yes, I do payment plans. I know we don’t all have piles of cash laying around. I offer paid-in-full discounts, payment plans where you can split payments over several months and other more creative options as needed, this is open to discussion so let’s talk! We can find a way that works for you.


What time zones do I work in?

In the past, I have worked with clients in Australia and New Zealand, but it has been very hard to coordinate, therefore at this time I am only taking on clients within +/- 6 hours of Berlin, Germany timezone.

If you are an exception to this, you can still reach out, but it might not be possible.